Le Creuset logo redesign proposal by Xavier Wendling
Le Creuset logo redesign proposal by Xavier Wendling

The Logo Makeover Series


I am kicking off a new long-term brand identity series called the [logo makeover project][1]. On a regular basis, I will be selecting an existing logo and present a redesign proposal.

My original intent was to focus on brands whose current visual identity may be lacking, not doing full justice to the quality of their product offering or positioning the brand in an outdated way. Obviously this is a subjective call. Other designers may feel differently about these brands and logos. In any case my choices are not to be understood as negatively biased toward these companies and the design teams that created their identity. I value and try to practice humility.

What this series really is about though is to use my curiosity and optimism to take on identity challenges that will help we grow as a designer. So, based on where that curiosity brings me to, I may also tackle brands whose current logos are perfectly fine and current but really inspire me.

In most cases, I will be aiming at a simple, limited in scope, logo redesign exercise. Occasionally, if inspired by a particular subject matter my concept proposal may grow into a more comprehensive brand identity system proposal.

Like my recent Daily Logo Challenge, at its core this series is another opportunity to progress daily as a graphic designer, developing my creative eye and design skills through a series of regular design challenges.

The first logo redesign in this series is one from Le Creuset, a French cookware manufacturer best known for its premium colorfully-enameled cast-iron cookware.

Be sure to check out the project page as the series develops and I as I document the journey.