Smiling girl with face paint and accessories to illustrate the principel of the Cute Faces app.
Smiling girl with face paint and accessories to illustrate the principel of the Cute Faces app.

Cute Faces for iOS


  • App Development
  • Illustration
  • UX





Learn about Cute Faces, my first app developed natively for iOS and published on the App Store in 2015.

Making use of the device's camera system the app brings a kids costumes and face painting family experience to the iPhone and iPad.

Featured funny face from the Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling
Featured funny face from the Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling

What the app does

Cute Faces is a simple and fun app that draws from the ever popular tradition of kids costumes and face painting activities. The app lets users take a picture, select a predefined costume or face paint and apply it on top of the original picture for a fun transformation.

A few cute and funny faces

  • Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The butterfly face.
    Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The butterfly face.
  • Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The gentleman face.
    Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The gentleman face.
  • Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The summer girl face.
    Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The summer girl face.
  • Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The business woman face
    Cute Faces app for iOS by Xavier Wendling. The business woman face